Posted by: trulylive | January 2, 2009

Moving Beyond Myself to Truly Live

Those words sound so sensible and noble, don’t they?

Yet, why do I still find myself so consumed with thoughts about myself and my own ambitions and interests. It seems like most times, when I catch myself having a conversation with myself (yes, I talk to myself, just like you do), that I don’t catch myself interceding for a friend, or dreaming about how I might meet someone else’s need. Invariably, I catch myself being wrapped up in me and mine– my fears, my frustrations with others, my selfish desires or longings, sometimes my guilt, my hopes for the approval of others, and too often my concerns for my success. keithgreen1

Too often, the words of an old Keith Green song seem to be my experience as well. “As each day passes by, I feel my love run dry. I get so weary worn, being tossed round in the storm. I’m blind to other’s needs and I’m tired of planting seeds. I seem to have a wealth… of so many thoughts about myself.

I want to, I need to, be more like Jesus. I want to be more like Him. Remember there’s no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend.

The end of all my prayers is to care like my Lord cares. My one and only goal… His image in my soul. My weakness is revealed, but by His stripes I’m healed. He’s faithful and He’s true to complete the work He begins in you!” 

 I have to say that of late, God has begun to use a tremendous tool in my life, in this fight to move beyond myself to truly live and love and serve Christ and others. It’s been a network of men who have locked arms together to renew our minds with the truths of God’s Word. Every day we’ve committed to read, chew on, study, and pray through a particular passage of Scripture, and do that daily for a week, asking God to make us more like Jesus. This week, for example, we’re working thru Philippians 2:1-11, where it admonishes us to, “Do nothing from rivalry of empty conceit, but in humility to count others more important than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves which is found in Christ Jesus” (2:3-5). 

Knowing that we cannot do it on our own, our aim is to– by email, texts, phone calls and intercession for one another– transparently confess our hang-ups and encourage one another to do more than read the Bible, but be humbly changed by it.  And God is using it to do an amazing work in each of our lives. In fact, these men are being used in my life more than they know.  For by the grace and truth of God I am being changed for good, and for the good of all those my life will touch. 

Sure, sometimes I still feel like I’m climbing a sand-dune, going three steps forward and sliding two steps back, but I have such a sense that He who has begun this good work in me, will see it through. And as He renews my mind, He’s renewing my desire and strength to move beyond myself, become more like Him, and learn to truly live. 

Thank you God. Thank you guys.

Posted by: trulylive | December 4, 2008

What kind of person do you want to become?

Years ago I heard a poem which began with these words, “Brick on brick, stone on stone, I am building the kind of person I will one day become…” At times its inspired me, and at other times its sobered me. The poem was making the point that every day–in each choice we make, in each action we take, and in each secret habit or attitude we partake–we are deciding the kind of person we will become.

The fact is, there are always two voices calling for our attention, the voice of wisdom and the voice of this world. The voice of the God’s Spirit & His truth call us to live for the supreme purposes for which we were created, and the voice of the evil one and his minions call for us to take the road of personal gratification and selfish ambition, telling us that’s where the real fun is. And each time we make a choice, we are deciding the kind of person we will become. The evil one wants us to believe that these choices don’t really matter, as long as “no one gets hurt”. But wisdom and the painful stories of countless men and women throughout history tell us otherwise. They testify to the fact that choices always have consequences. The voice of this world tells us that we can change any time we want. But the truth is, the further we go down a road, the deeper the ruts become and the more difficult it is to ever turn around.

Personally, I’ve had come to the humble realization that I can’t make the journey by myself. I need help, the help of God’s Spirit and His truth, and the help of Christian friends as well.

Friend, if you find yourself on a path to becoming someone you do not want to become, then there is only one answer, the grace & mercy of God found in Jesus Christ. The answer is turning to the Master Builder in humility and repentance, and asking Him to step in and rebuild your life.  And what He then wants to use to do that is His Word, exposing the lies that have messed you up, and then renewing your mind and changing the way you think.  As you read it and chew on it, and pray through it, you’ll find it changing you in ways that will amaze you, in the way you respond to life, and in the way you treat others around you. You’ll find yourself being changed for good. 

Brick on brick, stone on stone… what kind of person are you becoming, and what kind of person do you want to become?

Posted by: trulylive | November 19, 2008

So, What are YOU Going to Do Differently This Christmas?

stuffmart1I don’t know about you, but our family has decided to have an all-out, go-for-broke, “Stuff-Mart Christmas” this year. We’re going to spend more time shopping, spend more on ourselves, give less to others (they can wait until next year), accumulate more stuff we don’t need or use, limit spiritual activities so we don’t feel guilty, and run up our credit cards to the limit… just for fun.  There may be terrible pain, conflict and regret for months afterward, but it will be fun for a short while, and so we’re looking forward to it.

Sound crazy? It sounds crazy because it is. But that won’t stop millions of Americans from doing it anyhow. I read the other day that Americans spend 450 BILLION dollars EVERY year on Christmas. With so many people here and around the world in such great need, that almost sounds reprehensible.

What about you and yours this Christmas? What are you going to do to depart from this crazy trend, to get off that mindless greed train, and put some meaning and significance back into your Christmas season? What are you going to do different to remind you of what it’s really all about? Simply buy a another manger scene? Or do something more?

The other night, Amy and I sat down and discussed this for a few hours after the kids went to bed. And here’s what we have begun to do, or are going to do differently this Christmas:

1. Rally our family to save as much money as we can to give a “Christmas Gift to Jesus”, by doing two thing: First, by preparing cards and gifts for the families that lost a child in the fire this past August. Christmas is going to be extremely difficult for them this year. And Second, by preparing a gift box for a missionary family overseas, honoring their commitment to “bring the good news of great joy” to those who have never heard it.  Being former missionaries overseas, we regret that we’ve done so little this year to advance the Great Commission abroad.

2. Guard every night of a special tradition we started years ago called “Candle Time”. Ten days out from Christmas, just before the kids go to bed, we turn out all the lights, except for the Christmas Tree, and sit down on the ground in a circle next to the tree. We then light a single candle, sing Christmas carols, read a portion of the Christmas story from one of the gospels, and pray. The kids love it. We all do. In the last few years, instead of being a serene time of family worship, it’s started to look more like a harried hollow tradition. So we need to slow down and return some meaning, laughter and joy to it all.

3. Make a budget of what we believe is “enough” when it comes to gift buying for each other, and have committed to be not only content within our means, but grateful for the abundance we enjoy, compared to so many around the world that have so little. Last year it took us several months to recover financially from the joy of Christmas. 

4. Find ways to communicate the real meaning and message of Christmas to our neighborhood friends far from God in a way that will be welcomed and received well by each of them. It may be a plate of cookies while caroling at their door, or an ornament with a card, or some other means. In years past, all we did was throw a book or tract at our neighbors, which was so lame. So, this year we’re praying God will help us find a way that we can be excited about.

5. Prepare ourselves and our children much more each week as we gather for worship with others around the merciful and miraculous incarnation of Christ in a manger

What about you? What are you thinking of doing differently this Christmas to restore more meaning and significance to your Christmas celebration? I’m not suggesting a Christmas tradition boast-a-thon. I would simply like to hear what some of you are thinking about doing. Would you be willing to share your ideas? Maybe we can help one another!

Posted by: trulylive | November 16, 2008

Ready for something completely different?

ac_logo_thumb_verticalDiscussions about Creationism and Socialism are certainly important. And it’s been a good exercise to write about these cultural and political issues facing our nation today, but I’m ready now to move on to a topic that many of us are wrestling with right now. I think its time to have some frank discussion about how we can return spiritual meaning and significance to the Christmas holidays.

No one hopes for a meaningless stress-filled relationship-strained Christmas season, where, on the other end of it, we find ourselves exhausted, in debt, and a bit disillusioned. We all desire to experience the real deal, and taste of some of what the Christmas celebration was intended to be, at the beginning.

Think about it… what were the primary elements that made up that first Christmas celebration? It started with: the Father’s GIVING of His Son (Jesus giving of Himself incarnationally… relationally, personally, lovingly, with His time, His life); Parents, Angels, Wise Men and Shepherds all gathering to WORSHIP Jesus (with extremely valuable treasures, and heartfelt songs of praise & thanksgiving); and Spreading the GOOD NEWS of what God had done (the wise men and shepherds going away, telling the story of what they had experienced to everyone who would listen.)

So, now, what do you think might be among the keys to experiencing more meaning and significance in your Christmas? I read a website about this today that’s really got me thinking along these things personally, and as a pastor. Their challenge is for people to return to the basics, and “Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, and Love All.” Would some of you be willing to check it out and give me your thoughts? Is this something you think we should consider as a fellowship this year, and what do you think that could look like?

Let’s start some real discussion about this, and consider doing something completely different this year! Anyone interested?

images1It seems like a growing number of sincere Christians today are asking this question, wondering about what is recorded in the book of Acts, and perhaps forgetting what Paul wrote about the limited role of Government. Socialism is the state sponsored and controlled re-distribution of wealth, from those who have more to those who have less, with the aim of producing a more equalitarian society (see the first blog entry on this topic).

What took place in the early chapters of the book of Acts was not this at all. The careful student of scripture will take note that the amazing show of love in the early church, and the distribution of assistance by those with means to help those in need, was never dictated by the Apostles or mandated by anyone in leadership. It was simply a voluntary spontaneous outpouring of love in response to the grace and new found salvation that believers had found in Christ. That’s a far cry from the government legislating it and requiring it.

Contrary to socialism’s program, the Bible teaches that if a man does not work, he should not eat. Why? Because there are sometimes varied causes of poverty, and sometimes God’s greater desire is that those causes be dealt with. Instead the bible teaches that individuals are to voluntarily give of the wealth God has blessed them with to help meet the needs of others in His name. Not in the name of a government mandated program or taxation, but in Jesus’ name as a testimony to the message of the gospel that can change their entire life and value system. In other words, the New Testament teaches that meeting the needs of the poor and under-privileged was not to be the responsibility of government. It was to be a vital part of the transforming work that the church was to give itself to in a community.

Romans 13 teaches that God created the concept of governments, and that governments are to focus their efforts on two things… punishing those who do evil, and praising those who do good. History bears witness, in every case, that whenever governments seek to legislate and administrate this “taking from those who have to give to those who have not” it isn’t long before the entire system is plagued with corruption.

Remember that God has supernaturally designed and equipped the church to best accomplish the task of assisting the poor, with its unique focus on dealing with the heart of man (which is the real issue), and challenging every believer to demonstrate his/her faith by serving the needs of others around them. Contrary to the teachings of socialism that place every man on the same plane economically regardless of his/her work ethic, the bible teaches over and over again about the rewards of diligence and hard work, and about the blessings and responsibilities of wealth.

The answer to societies ills and to poverty were never meant to be found in socialistic government, but in the transforming message and ministry of the church in a society. Think about it. These truths have profound implications.

What do YOU think about all this? I’d love to hear your comments. Just click the comment button at the top, and let’s discuss it.

Posted by: trulylive | November 6, 2008

“…And what’s wrong with socialism?”

imagesA few weeks ago, a major news network reporter asked this question, and it was obvious she did not understand why it was such a bad thing. I must say, I was a bit taken back. Not simply that she would ask such a question, but realizing that her question probably represents the thinking of a great number of Americans today who do not understand some of the basic principles upon which our country was founded, nor how socialism runs against those principles.

First, it’s important to understand what socialism is, and then why it is so contrary to the teachings of Scripture.

Michael Newman, in his book entitled, “Socialism: A Very Short Introduction” (by Oxford University Press) defines it. “Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society.” While some, misinterpreting the early chapters of the book of Acts, actually think that this idea has its roots in the Bible. Modern socialism had its origins in the late nineteenth-century, birthed in a radical working class political movement, inspired by Karl Marx. Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution which represents the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.

This movement ultimately caved in on itself and brought about the collapse of an entire society, and an enormous loss of life and freedoms for more than a generation. Socialist economic and political models were found to be incompatible with almost every civil liberty. And it became obvious that this socialistic control over distribution of wealth and private property could not be achieved without reduced prosperity for the general populace, and a loss of political and economic freedoms for everyone, except the elite that controlled the process of redistribution.

For these reasons, Socialism is contrary to the principles of our constitutional republic here in the USA. I’d welcome some comment and discussion on this topic. Next time, I’ll explain more about why I believe socialism runs against the teachings of Scripture.

Posted by: trulylive | November 5, 2008

Creationism is for the Educated

37-5749-everything_productprimaryimageHow many times have you walked through a museum or watched a video or TV program about dinosaurs, and the host has used the reality of dinosaurs as proof of evolution? But did you know that anyone willing to do their homework will discover that the more we learn of dinosaurs, the more their history actually challenges evolution and supports the biblical account of creation! However, in spite of the real evidence, more and more educational institutions are presenting evolution, not simply as a theory, but as fact. Many educational groups today will do almost anything to discredit, belittle, or ignore arguments against evolution. They do not even want to allow the presentation of creationism in any form in the public arena for fear that some might see the other side of this argument. Recently a movie, entitled “Expelled” was produced about this extremely biased agenda and its refusal to allow educated debate on the subject. It’s a good one that will truly make you think! And it makes a strong argument that creationism is truly for the educated!

Why is this so important? Because creationism, the reality of a creator, and the inescapable reality of brilliantly intelligent design behind the created order, is absolutely foundational to our faith and our belief in the truthfulness of the Bible. One of the things I love about my faith is that it can stand up to scrutiny, both historical and scientific, without excuse or apology. I’d struggle with a faith where I had to check my brains at the door. And so I’m so glad I don’t have to, and that you don’t either.

Great resources on this topic have been written and produced by some world renown creation scientists. Many of their works are for both adults and children, and are available through two different groups: Answers in Genesis, and the Institute in Creation Research, and can be ordered directly from, or at
